Age (over 40) as a trigger for workplace discrimination is one of the protected categories monitored by the Civil Rights Enforcement Section of the State of California Department of Justice.
The Federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) established a ban on age discrimination, and California’s employment laws also do not allow age discrimination in the employment arena. The Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) in California are applicable to employers with five or more employees, whereas ADEA protects those who work at companies with 20 or more employees. The Law Offices of Eric A. Boyajian, APC, Employment Lawyer in Glendale provide personalized information and advocacy to employees who have been affected by age discrimination.
Our state’s employment laws, such as FEHA, are generally considered to be more rigorously on the side of fairness to workers than federal laws are. California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) enforces the prohibition of age discrimination with regard to advertisements, applications, interviews, hiring, promoting, training, compensation, and termination based on workers’ ages.
Request a consultation with a lawyer at the Law Offices of Eric A. Boyajian, APC, Employment Lawyer to discuss your questions about age discrimination in employment in California. We are prepared to evaluate your situation and address your unique concerns. If we believe you have a case, we will work with you to file a claim or lawsuit against the offending employer.
If your employer demoted or dismissed you and you detect that your age was the reason, let our knowledgeable employment law attorney look closely at your case. Learn how to pursue the remediation that you deserve, whether through reinstatement or compensation, or both. We help clients who have suffered age discrimination and other illegal forms of discrimination on the job to bring individual claims and class action lawsuits.
If you think you have encountered any illegal activity in the workplace, call the Law Offices of Eric A. Boyajian, APC, Employment Lawyer to discuss your circumstances. From offices in Glendale, we represent clients throughout California. Call us at 818-839-5969 or contact us by sending us a message through our contact form here.
Phone Number: (818) 839-5969
Location: 330 N Brand Blvd Suite 1250, Glendale, CA 91203
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