Blind Workers Rights in California


On Behalf of Law Offices of Eric A. Boyajian August 6, 2024 Uncategorized

Blind Worker Says PepsiCo Fired Him After He Requested Software for His Disability

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently filed a lawsuit against PepsiCo on the grounds of disability discrimination. The company allegedly failed to provide reasonable accommodations to a blind newly hired employee that was hired at their Winston-Salem, North Carolina, call center. After the employee had requested a reasonable accommodation, PepsiCo terminated his employment.

Blind Worker Rights in California

The employee notified the PepsiCo’s HR coordinator of his visual impairment and requested a screen-reading software to assist with essential tasks like customer calls and order entry. Despite this, PepsiCo reportedly placed the employee on unpaid leave, citing the inability of their current software to support screen readers.

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) offered to assist by purchasing a laptop, screen reader, and other necessary technology for PepsiCo to accommodate the employee. PepsiCo declined, stating accommodations had to be managed internally. PepsiCo terminated the employee and cited to the high cost and time required to upgrade their software system as a reason for the employee’s termination.

The EEOC’s lawsuit argues that PepsiCo’s actions violate the ADA, which mandates that employers provide reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities unless doing so would cause undue hardship. By reportedly failing to provide necessary accommodations or consider alternative solutions, PepsiCo not only violated the ADA but also undermined the employee’s right to equal treatment in the workplace.

New employees and job applicants are particularly vulnerable to disability discrimination. The early stages of employment often leave individuals without sufficient knowledge of the company’s operations to advocate for themselves fully. Therefore, it is important for employees and workers to know their rights and protections under the law. Employees can see recourse if they believe that those rights are violated by an employer. The Law Offices of Eric A. Boyajian regularly represents disabled employees who have not received reasonable accommodations and who have been wrongfully terminated, or simply not hired, due to disability discrimination.  If you believe that you are a victim of disability discrimination, please contact us for a free evaluation.