What will it Cost?

The No Fees Guarantee

“No Fees Guarantee”

In order to make our services available to everyone, we handle your case on a Contingency Fee Basis. This means that we are only paid when we recover money for you. Through this arrangement you can obtain legal assistance even if you are unable to pay attorney’s fees. Our law firm advances expenses to pay for expert witnesses, court costs and other necessary fees. These expenses are reimbursed to the firm when we win a favorable verdict or settle your case.

“Eric was absolutely phenomenal during his consultation! Spent approximately 40 minutes talking over the phone, in which he was very detailed, communicative, understanding and transparent. All my concerns got answered and it did not take long before I was able to speak with him. Not a lot of people out there take their time into consultations, but this goes to show Eric cares for his clients and loves the work he does. Highly recommend.”
– Sergey


Bring Us Your Questions

If you find yourself wondering if you have an employment law case, chances are you have a lot of questions. Give our firm a call today. Our team of expert employment attorneys are here to help you navigate your situation.